Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Friday, February 4, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I have several new year Intentions for 2011.

*Get some hobbies.
*Get Back into Oil painting 4 paintings this year
*Learn to Dance
*Body Building Great eating workout p90x 6 times a wk, elliptical 3 night a wk
-Have the body I have always wanted
wake @ 6 get 30 min cardio elliptical, 60 min p90x then 30 min elliptical @ night while I watch my shows.
**New RULE** No work out-No TV
*Travel to new places this year.
-Hawaii in January
-San diego / San Fransisco-July
-Yellow Stone-June
-Lava Hot Springs-Aug
*Save $ bank 3 months paychecks

*Potty Train Avery
*Teach Avery Colors, 1-10
*Get Jack into a sport
-interests BMX racing, Karate, Baseball, swimming, soccer

For now!

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