Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Fun

What a Fun Holiday this Halloween has been....Busy but Fun. We started it off with fun crafts and holiday decorating. We added a few things from last year. Colby and I tend to get into our crafty personalities in the fall for what ever reason. Here are a few of the items we added to our collection.

Tomb Stones- Colby
Haunted House- Colby
Wooden Pumpkins- Michelle
Banners- Melannie
Wreaths- Melannie
Crinkle Fans- Melannie

We also did some fun activities with the boys.

We threw Three Parties and had the chance to visit Corn belly's corn maze a favorite of ours. We had a blast on Halloween Night with family and friends. We enjoyed a mystery Dinner with my parents hosted by my Mom, which is now going to become a tradition it was so fun. Helped with Cecilias Zumba Halloween Party and had my Birthday party all in One month, needless to say I am drained but loved every minute of it.

We held our annual Halloween Party, this year we made it for adults Only. It was great but a lot of work this year. We decided to hold it at the club house so we could have more space but when looking at the rules they wanted us out and cleaned up y 11pm and no alcohol, so clearly that was out. So back to the house we went. We decided we needed more space so we ventured into the garage. We covered all the walls with black plastic so it was one huge black room. We put up some drapes behind the DJ table and set the garage there for some ambiance seating and set up some chandeliers and lamps. We had Kathy's friend Steve come with all his lights and lit the place up like a night club. James our DJ took care of the dance floor with all his cool lights. It made it look exactly how I wanted it. Loud dance music right when you came through the doors. We ate three types of nachos and had every one else bring a desert.

Corn Bellys is always a fun activity for our family to do. The weather has been so extremely nice it was very enjoyable to go and stay for hours. They added many new activities the year and made it well worth the money. I can tell you how many times we lost one of the boys, they ran from spot to spot. and then lost ourselves in the corn maze. I don't t=know that we have ever found our way threw one of those with out cutting threw after frustration sets in. This ear we did it though. Colby and I had fun with the corn cobs with each other. "inside joke"

The kids party was full of kids and loud fun. we played Halloween Bingo, Build the Skeleton relay, Eyeball pass, witch hat and spider toss, we made masquerade masks, color scratch and danced. We had chips cookies cupcakes and sodas. It was relatively simple, I guess compared to the adult party it was. We left the garage set up and held half of it out there. IT was a good thing too because boy did those little monsters make a mess. All in good fun.

My birthday didn't turn out quite the way we had hopes so its definitely going to need a do over.
We had planned to go eat at Wasatch Brewery in Park city, we love the Nachos and Macaroni and cheese thay are to die for.mmmmm We were then going to hit HArrios down the street. We soon found out the day before that Harrios was closed down. So no use in driving all the way for food. So we ate at Olive Garden then decided were too tired to go dancing and wet to see a movie. Well....the movie theaters in Utah Close around 10: 30 apparently the door were locked at the new Draper location so we headed up to Jordan Commons. No movies were playing after 10:30 as well. We did get to meet the ghost Busters. That was funny.
We decided to try a club so we drove all the way to SLC at a place called Habits, we waited in what looked like a short line for about 45 minutes and decided to call it quits since it was a bit too cold to hold out any longer. We were mad at that point. So we drove around stopped at the Tropicanna where Cecila and James met and fell in love. So we went down memory lane with the then hit McDonalds at that point were were all delirious and goofy. We pissed off the teller at McyD's and laughed our asses off all night. Colby was on for wure. Give him a laugh and he'll go all night!! It was fun even though it was way off base of where we wanted to be. Next time I'll go practically naked, I guess that what you have to look like to get into clubs these days oh and single.

I was also able to help Jack at his school with the class party. it was quick because the costume parade for the parents ran over by 45 minutes and it was early out day. there we made a foam bat project and eyeball suckers. hey were given popcorn bags with candy corn in them and that was it.

The Zumba Party was fun. I made this invite for CC. It was a normal class with all the usual music except we did thriller for the warm up and ghost busters for the cool down. IT was great James and Colby set up James light and we darkened the court and had a fun dance party. CC looked adorable in her Bat Girl Out fit. There were over 100 people there so it made it well worth all their hard work. I went and got her some balloons to flank the stage and desk. I also got here a gift since we were actually celebrating her 1 year anniversary open at the Futsal area!! Shes an inspiration to me with her dancing and hope to get certified next month.
They had a costume contest and gave three gift cards away. We helped them clean up and got home quite late so Jack skipped school the next day for exhaustion and for another issue he was having.

My mom gave us a "Mystery Dinner" it was very enjoyable. It was for her my dad me and my boys. IT was a dinner table set for Halloween. Then we were given a menu that said to pick 4 courses. it had items like witches fingers mashed up worms, eyeballs. and these items were an actual food that only my mom new what they were. So after selecting your courses she would bring in your 1st course. It may have been something like this:
Witches fingers+= grilled asparagus
mashed slugs= mustard
Grave digger= spoon
Ghost blood= sprite
eyeballs= grapes
liver spots= watermelon

She had each item on a small plate or in a muffin paper liner.
After each course you are suppose to take away everything from the last course but we decided to keep it since we wanted the boys to have mustard and ketchup for their mummy hot dogs and spoons for their jello. It was a great dinner and she made it relatively healthy . You could really do it for any holiday just nae it differently.

Halloween night is always fun filled with traditions. We shared this night with family and friends this time like usual. This was Jacks first time trick or treating with friends so I think it was extra special and fun for him plus we had two neighbors that went all out for the night.
We invited Colby's Parents over and Granny came along too sharing her special home made fudge that we all devoured. KeriAnn and Nick came as well and brought their little froggy Miles. It was so fun to see him dressed up and asking "Trick or Treat" at every house.

We also had the pleasure of our friends James, Cecila, Tiago and Tiffany with us.

We started off the night with Pizza and bread-sticks from Papa Murphys and enjoyed wassel to warm us all up before heading out. All the kids had fun answering the door while the adult visit and ate.
We went around the neighborhood and gathered sugar for the year. One neighbor was "Fondouing it" with Carmel marshmallows apples and other delightful treats. It was adorable and highly popular. Another neighbor set up their back yard as in The Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. It was adorable... fog, music and skeletons. they gave out gold chocolate coins and you got to meet live pirate of course Jack Sparrow Calypso and others.

We finished the night by going back home having more wassel and donuts then headed out to Peg Legs house. It got bigger this year. We watched a new Halloween movie of Micheal Jackson and watched Thriller as well. Avery was afraid of his house this year but loved watching the movies there. It was great weather so it was nice enough to sit there and enjoy it. Colby enjoyed himself by freaking people out all night with his Pumpkin head costume he made out of paper mache last year. e would walk up to people and get in their space and say nothing. He would sneak up behind teenagers and wait for them to notice him but of course once they did he would scare them. Also while trick or treating he would freak out the moms and go and steal their buckets of candy and run. they would always ask if it was my husband but I would deni it and walk away like I was a little freaked out by it. Julie Burton was the funnest to freak out Jamie Benich too. We had a good laugh.

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