This banner is made from odd and fun items: old book pages, tulle, old sew patterns and scrap book paper.
Find a fun holiday style font for your letters and decide on your wording then print on your printer. You can then cut them out with a circle cutter. Glue, staple or better yet use the scrapbook square double sided tapes. This has been crinkled then inked to give it a distressed look. Then attach black crate paper folding it to give it a different look. Then attach to your pre-cut page style paper, cut into triangles, using a fun shaped edge. You may want to ink the edges as well to give it that finished look. Using a hole punch, apply a whole to each side at the top corner of each triangle. String onto a small ribbon and tie with simple knots the tulle and patters at each end.
Items to retrieve:
Old book pages
Scrapbook paper
Printed letters
Crate paper
Thin Ribbon
old patterns
Circle cutter
shaped scissors
stapler or square tapes
Hole Punch
*Glitter Glue
*Sparkled Ribbon
*Spice it up:
Adding the tulle and patterns do the trick but you could add numerous fun lengths of sparkled ribbon, and add glitter to the letters.

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