Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Night Out at the Dinosaur Museum

We spent the day running around visiting friends and helping design their homes. Then we were off for some fun time to Thanks Giving Point Dinosaur Museum. We always have a lot of fun there no matter how many times we go. We always see or read something new that some how we never noticed before.
Some cute highlights from Jack were. He first wondered why the wax men in the from first room were "Extinct?" I don't think he has ever liked looking at them very much except for the one that looks like Papa Chip. Oddly enough I can sort of agree!
Avery is now weary of the space area. I have never seen him scared of something! But now he is. But brave he let me hold him while we walked threw together.
Jack Didn't play with the dinosaurs much this time he was off to the sand pits. Which is opposite from usual.

Avery just enjoyed the simple pleasure of running up and down the small hills the museum provides. his giggling was adorable. He was interested in the computers and jack was afraid of the HUGE shark, although Avery loved to Roar back at it!

Avery is now tall enough to reach the sand which surprised me but still he enjoyed the hill covered in sand.He would go down it on his belly and laugh then disgustingly enough take a huge lick of the ground filling him mouth full of sand.

While playing in the new sand Jack surprised me with the word "Species" He said I wonder what kind of species I will find under this sand, mama! and another one he kept using was "Extinct"
They changed the sand in the end area and now its just messy. It is sort of wet. Not Mom friendly for getting right into the car. I bit of disappointment. Will it keep us away? Surly not. Our passes are up but I'm sure we will be in next month purchasing new ones. It is a tax right off, of course so how can we say no!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Then we went to Grand Cayman
I first went out by myself and went on a tour. First stop, turtle farm where I got to see over 600 turtles all different sizes from one day old to 200lb turtles, it was Awesome. I was not watching the time like I promised and lost track, the others were waiting for me for about 20 min. The guide had to come looking for me. It was soooo embarrassing. Oh well, Then off to "Hell" a rock formation that looked like black and red fire coming out of the ground it was eeh'

Colby took the second tour with me, where we went on a Pirate ship tour. We snorkeled in the pouring rain. The salt killed my eyes and made it kind of miserable and almost unvisitable because the rain was bouncing off the water so hard. It was fan freaking tastic.
We took another tour to some Mayan Ruins, I have to admit, I was very disappointed in the locals. No one could point me in the direction of a cocoa pod tree. So I was unable to fill one of my Top 5. We drove around the island and saw turtle nesting areas, thousands. Then off to a play-land that had all sorts of things to do. We kayaked, went seashell fishing, sun bathed and paddle boated around the ocean. We thought we had missed the bus but when we got there we were actually 45 min. early! Here I was able to get in one of "My Top 5 list Things To Do" Sip a Margarita while sitting in a hammock- except the "Under a palm tree" part was missing - I was still in pursuit.

We then had a sea day then off to: Disney's private island Cast away Cay in the Bahamas
This was the best by far. We spent the day finding sand dollars! Another one of my Top 5 Whoo hoo

We saw the Ship from the Pirates of the Carribean movie the "Flying Dutchman"

Went snorkeling it sucked. Did Yoga on the beach it was the best Ever. The Very first picture here on my blog is where I did yoga all I can say is Beautiful!
Here is me sipping my drink in a hammick under a palm tree. Now we can alllll BBreaThhhh aaahhhhhhhh

We finished the trip off with visiting Disney World Animal kingdom in Florida. No Alligators yet another disappointment for my top 5 list

Why didnt we do this sooner?

Colby and I got to go on vacation alone this year together. It was work for him and all play for me. Falline Studios- "Disney" sent him out to help install "The Pirates of the Caribbean interactive game" on the Disney Cruise Line ships. He worked tirelessly for months to get it ready for the four ships. It went off very well and all the vacationers enjoyed it immensely. I was so proud of him. So cute to see him in action at work.

So he actually got three vacations out of it, I got one. Is that fare? Ya it was!
It was so much fun!

We first visited Key West

Then Ship Day

Then Cozumel

Here I went on a tour with my vacation friend Katie. She is the girlfriend of one of the guys working on the game with Colby. She works in the HR dept. at Disney. We went kayaking together and were able to see 8 sharks small yes but very aggressive. hey any bit would hurt and the water at times was only inches. One of the sharks rammed one of our friends boat to show how seriously it wanted us to stay away. We cornered it and it did not like it! It was great fun. We met some Brits, they were hilarious we made them say things like; bloody hell and You saucy minx. Oh how I love the accents! I was quite a little talker that day, wish I could be like that all the time.

Our Family
Colby - Like the Cheese
Michelle - Me
Jack Oliver- 4yrs
Avery Kai- 1 1/2yrs

Nick, KeriAnn (sister-third to eldest) and Baby on the Way Miles "Milo" Pano Ray Bathemess

Ray "Chip"-Dad
Rae Nae -Mom

Adam, Melannie (eldest sister), Bryston, Taryn, Elliot, Daphnie and the late
Maximus Green

We had to edit the family photot. Every picture had someone goofing off in it so Colby worked his majic and mixed up several photos cutting and pasting. "Can't see the line can you Russ?"

David, Jessica (second to eldest sister) and Arionna Day

Avery Kai

We took pictures for Thanksgiving with the entire Hutchinson family. It was a hectic taking. I took pictures of individual families an everyone got real ancy to go home and eat all the fix'ins. :)We missed out not having Kade there. KeriAnn and Nicks little boy.
Avery had fun playing in the leaves by himself. Did you notice anything?.......His hand! Seriously I have no idea where it went. It is wrapped up in bandages because he got burns from my flat iron. Reached right out and grabbed it while he was sitting on my lap. Note to Self: Do Not let child sit on lap while doing hair and make-up . Check