Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treating

The boys did not seem to be to into Trick or Treating this year for some reason. We spent the day cleaning up from our party the night before. then when trick or tr eaters started coming to the door, in the pouring rain mind you. We decided we should get going as well. Larry and Kathy called to say they were not going to come join us like usual on account of the rain. I was a little bummed out to be honest I have really enjoyed them spending time with our family lately I thing things are funner in groups. they really enjoy playing with the boys and show them such love every time they are with them. so We got dressed in costume and ventured out. By this time the rain stopped for about 45 min.. so it was perfect we only did our street and the boys were happy with that. We then went home and continued answering the door. that was Jacks job and he was happy to do it. He was reluctant to give candy to only one child. A boy from his school that had been giving his new girly friend some trouble came and he answered the door and I heard him say "Oh, not you...he then tuned to me and said " Mom that's the boy that pulls Adell's shirt" Jack said you can only have candy if you will be nice to Adell for now on" then he gave a piece. Adorable protecting his friends. That's the kind of man I want around.
We watched Hocus Pocus and then went to bed. After all tomorrow is really Halloween.

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