Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Friday, February 4, 2011


Yet another attempt at blogging. I am going to try blogging at least once a week every day is simply to much for my schedule but I do see the importants of it.
Sundays seem like a good day. Yet today I am having a productive day so I'll add a little today.
What have we been up to for the past three months. Well.....a lot actually.
November we (Colby and I) got the Acree family together for some family pictures. Our plan was to modify them and have them printed for everyone for their Christmas gifts. It turned out will in the end although getting everyone together Was like pulling teeth with no laughing gas. Which I actually just had done and yes it was tough. I'm missing my tooth it was a good thing and now that it is gone I see how important it was. Any how...We got the pictures done and I had them printed for every one and did a few different things. Grandma Norma Nell is weaker and was unable to stand and attend the event out side so we took he picture in the kitchen. Boy did we make our work hard. The lighting was completely different and took a few hours to get it lose on top of that she was wearing pj's, no bra or shoes. So we had to improvise.Colby colored her close buffed them and do numerous other things to make her look presentable for a family picture. in the end it turned out fine. but instead of saying thank you all Norma had to say is.....oh my boobs look horrible. Well.. ya they do but your old what do you expect.!! Love ya but damn women be nice.
Here are the ending results.

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