Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Proud Moments

I am so proud of Jack this week. His teacher at school was having some difficulty with the kids in class. They were apparently nor listening talking back not doing what they were asked in class and on the play ground. So a letter was sent home asking parents to talk with their kids. She also is implementing a new weekly evaluation per child.
1st Eval. 5 subjects. Jack received 4 & 3's -1 being bad. Although it doenst sound like bad scores for my Jack it was because he should be receiving maybe 2, 4's the rest 5. So that week was bad. We had talk over talk over talk. Then the 2nd eval came and I was soooooo happy.
This week he had all 5's. We celebrated with sundays, he was really proud of himself. I wanted to show over excite, so he could see how happy I was for him and of him, so Hopefully he would want to feel like this more often, instead of the was ugly I assure you. Thank goodness for Serina who actually saved Jack and I from a horrible night. She popped in late the night we got the bad report card and interrupted a huge fight between Jack and I. Numerous words and sounds were regretted the next day. This was about numerous things not just the report card.
God sends help when it is really needed. She was that help tonight. Thanks you can't know how much you were needed!!

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