Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Couples Night Out

We had a fun night with some friends from the neighborhood. It was game night at the Clarks. Colby and I really like the two of them, they invite us over quite often but we seem to never be able to go very much. Its usually always couple only and we simply don't have regular baby sitters. When we go out we like to sty out since it doesn't happen very often, girls in the neighborhood usually watch I would think until 10pm. But we really should get someone other than our family members all the time. We really enjoy it when we get out with our friends. We'll have to try harder.
So there were four other couple there and we played some card game that Colby and I did not get At ALL... i don't know why we never caught on but the game seemed completely pointless until the end when two players had no points and Colby and I were in the 200+ points which is bad.
Colby came in last and previously before loosing I threw in for some interest that the winner had to come up with something that the looser had to do. A dare thing!
Colby Lost Jocelyn won and she dared Colby to drink 2 oz. of baby formula. Warm formula that had already been guzzled by Zane Clarke, Jenny's boy.
It took quite a few minutes and pushing for him to finally do it. A lot of laughs were had and it made the evening end with great humor.
All the couples were very enjoyable and we were able to meet a couple new people which is always nice.

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