Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Friday, February 4, 2011


Jack ha decided he wants to do Karate. I was excited about it and got Colby to agree to sign him up. It took me a month or so to decide on a studio, but I finally did. Although I loved the studio that I attended which was Bobby Lawrence Karate. I opted for U.S. Taekwondo. The Price was right the discipline the clean factor and all the masters are wonderful. The studio is located in Lehi so it’s just minutes away and is spacious in size. He starts as a white belt in the Little Tigers class attending Monday and Wednesday for 30 min at 3:30 pm. It all works out great for us. I make sure I attend every time and pay close attention so I can practice daily with him at home. It is not considered karate it is TAEKWONDO, originating for Korea. The teachers are masters. There is Master Kim, Master Joe and Master Schroeder. They are great guys, they shake the kids hand and end each class with a hug.

Jack loves going which is such a relief. He has taken swimming lessons, baseball, soccer. He liked swimming so that was good, he always complained about practicing soccer with his team mates and hated the games. Baseball he never really got into. But Taekwondo He loves, he throws an ecstatic fit when I say lets go practice he jumps for joy when I tell him to go get his Gee on for class and enjoys every minute there. He tells me that it is his favorite thing in the whole wide world. yes he says that about a lot of thing but things which he truly cares about.

He pays close attention and has helped in all aspects of his learning. This sport is not only great exercise for him but a great learning exercise. He has to complete 2 written book reports a month has a sign off sheet his school teacher has to fill out every month a sheet for me to fill out on how he is getting along with us his friends his brother his attention he is required to do 8 chores a day. So it is hitting much more than just self defense. I would recommend this studio to anyone interested. I’m extremely happy with it and Jacks progress. It is so cute to see him in action. Grandma Kathy and Papa L cam last week to watch a class and went for dinner after wards. Here’s my little guy in action!h a hug. I love to see it. It established that there can be discipline respect and love in a relationship. I was very impressed to see that.

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