Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Friday, February 4, 2011


He's been saving up for a turtle for 4 months. Well next time before I make him wait in anticipation for so long Ill do my home work. He saved and waited and got excited then...I thought ya its time to go get it. We went to Pet smart and looked at getting his turtle. Colby was not excited about getting one, but Hey he wants a dog that's not going to happen he would love to have a cat ,.....uh nooooo. He has had frogs has fish and now wanted a turtle. I thought it was a great idea until we saw the ending price tag. Turtle: $80.00, Light#1 12.99, Light #2 24.00, Food daily veggies- fine Cage 60.00 6 months down the road, thermometer 12.00, humidifier meter 12.00, it started to really add up. Jack had about $45.00 and that wasn't covering it. I also thought.... extra power to have the two lights on constantly not to add the fire hazard having it in a child's room.
So I talked him into a hamster. His girl friend Jandi had one and we watched it a couple time and it wasn't too bad. Jack had also watched Elliot's two parakeet birds and quickly decided he didn't want birds too messy and have to change their cage almost every day. Ive turned my child into a little OCD a god thing in my opinion. its the workable kind he likes things clean but doesn't let it run him.
So a hamster. although at the time they only had hamsters that looked like mice not very cute. The employee told us that there were expecting some long haired hamsters in two days so we decided to wait for them. two days turned into 2 1/2 weeks. Jack was getting very annoyed as was I. But they finally got them in and we went down and picked them up. Lilly is adorable and as long as you have clean hands she is very sweet and no nipping.
We decided to make a book about Lilly and had shutterfly help us out with it. it should arrive any day. took me a few days to put together and is Jacks reading level.

Jack got a new pet!

We like lily although she is stinkier than I thought but Bath and body works took care of that for us. We just placed a great smelling air freshener in Jacks room and now it doesn't bother me.

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