Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Universal Walk Together

On our last night in California Colby and I took a night alone while Karene watched the kids. A change of pace was in need after having 4 kids for a week for sure. It was great but oh so great to be alone again. We whisked off to Universal Walk to have an adult night. It didn’t turn out to be as adult as we had hoped. I forgot my bag so no ID therefore no Martini/piano Bar. Dang! Needless to say Colbs was annoyed.
We made it fun though we toured around the walk snapping pictures at every tourist stops. We purchased gifts for the kids and ourselves and enjoyed a great dinner at a Mexican restaurant there. Where I had to wait 20 freaking minutes for my fried ice-cream had two apologies for the wait, then when we told them this better be free they just laughed and walked off. And still f-ing charged us for it. Colby didn’t put up a fight, me annoyed but oh well. We then walked over to see about seeing a movie until we found out they charged $18.50 per person. Wow, still want to move to Cal? Maybe not
We left the walk and wanted to try and find the HOLLYWOOD sign but failed, but we found another attraction instead. This place was awesome it was called the Brand

California May 2011

Back to California we go. This time for a little different purpose.

and Jared had plans to go surprise her Mom for mothers day in Guatemala. They had a sitter in town that was going to watch the kids but they fell threw. So I offered to come over and watch them. Colby had some comp time coming his way so he decided to go along with us. So the family packed our bags for a 10 day vacation/job. I was a little worried about the allergies since they have a dog now in the house but it worked out. I think because they have wood floor pretty much through out the house. Also I had Karens get a different sitter for the dog while we were there. We showed up a day after the Ellisons left and got right into the grove. Jandi was in school so we had her going 3out of 5 day so we had that schedule to get use to. Turned out great, she is very disciplined and on task when it comes to getting up and getting ready. She's great at home work too, no dillydallying. Thank God, Jack is not way so much.
We made a vacation out of it though. We went to Disney Land twice and Santa Monica Pier. We also went to the aquarium there and had a great day together.
We took a day and went to the beach. Mothers Beach more of a bay dock area so there is no wake and a playground close parking so much easier for us families. Jack Jandi and I went on a sea treasure hunt finding all sorts of things. Jandi and Jack got on a kick of finding snails. Boy did we find the biggest snails ever although we did not know it at the time. We found 3 sea snails that were the size of a football. We also found sea shells clams and other trash that became their treasure. We got a lot of sun that day Avery got way too much which was weird since he had a shirt half the day and had sunscreen applied twice.
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At Disney Land Colby got to see A World of Color for the first time. They kids had a blast that night here!!

We had a few nights in the spa but the pool was broken and cold so we didn't get to get in that. We saved pool time for the hotels! Which was fun Jack found some new friends there too, he's really good at that! Thankfully

There were a few glitches threw the week but some things just have to be forgotten and looked over.
A few fun moments we had were that a few days before arriving it was Beckam and Avery's birthday, Jacks birthday soon to come, so we each had presents to give. Here is a pic of Jack and Jandi opening Jacks gift. It was a excavating game you had to dig the knights out of the cement then you could play.

Our little spider monkeys on the beach in Newport, by far our favorite part of California so far. We would love to move here if we get the chance or the kahunas.

Jack and Jan out running the waved of Balboa in Newport

How cute are they? Almost looks like a wedding announcement! JK

Treat time @ 10pm yes this was dinner! :) once in a life time

Souvenirs form Santa Monica Pier, This place is fun and a mus see but I recommend spending your money else where, in our case Disney Land is much more worth it!!! X10
But a fun place and the aquarium was fun to see. So many star fish and or sea stars as they call them, sharks and this is where we found our huge snails.

Finally a photo of us together, it only took 6 years!!

We got these necklaces for the boy when Colby and I took a night off and went to Universal Walk together. They were stoked

Friendly BBQ

We had a fun BBQ last night. We invited our friends Cody and his girlfriend Hailey Christian and our new neighbors Cecilia and her husband James and their 2 kids. Larry and Granny came over as well but left early as they had to get back to Kathy who broke her foot the night before in 3 places and was home in bed and serious pain. She tripped walking up her porch stairs in the dark. So sad, she’ll be out of work for 6-10 weeks. I think she s more bummed about that, using up all her saved vacation time for a broken foot than vacations.
Our BBQ was supposed to be outside but the weather turned bad started to rain really hard. James cooked all the meat on his smoker and it was sooo delicious I loved it Colby seasoned it so good and it was all cooked to perfection. Every one brought a side. We had a fun night the kids tore the basement a part making forts and plying Star Wars and the adults hung out upstairs talking drinking and listening to good beats! We got to know our new neighbors a little bit more as well as Hailey. It was great company we all want to go to Vegas together that would be a blast!
The Mills are a fun couple and easy to be around. They are very open and seem to be nonjudgmental and very sweet people. They are funny too and lots of laugh were shared over the night. We have plans for another BBQ at their house on Monday 2 nights away which I am excited for since they are big dancers and music buffs James is a DJ by hobby and Cecilia is a Zumba dance instructor. Our kind of people for sure!

Celebrity Look a like Contest

I was at my Moms house looking through a magazine that has celebrity look-a-likes in it. The last entry for this year was in a week so I told Colby we should enter him for a Johnny Depp lookalike since he looks exactly like him. They both have the same exact look right know beard, mustache, hair, the way they both dress everything. So we did a photo shoot and made out to look like his Vanity Fair cover he did in January 2011. Were hoping for the best!! The award is you get to be on the cover of Utah Valley Magazine. Not huge but fun none the less and hey you never know where it could lead!!! California here we come … fingers crossed.

Class prodject

Jacks school year is coming to an end. All the kids were asked to get a big box they can fit in and decorate it like a car so they could bring it to school and have a movie day in their cars. Jack decided he wanted to make a boat. Shocker!!! So we did a Pirate Boat and it turned out sooooo stinking cute.
We first drew up a plan and then went from there. Colby and I love things like this. I started the project. Jack and I got everything decided printed and cut out. Then when Colby came home they had to go to the store to get some foam core and they finished the boat together gluing and attaching everything together.
Avery made his own as well coloring his box all up. They boys had a lot of fun making them together.
We took it to school the next day and ya it was awesome not to gloat but it showed some serious effort and creativity. Jack was swarmed when we unveiled it from its wrappings. He felt special I could tell!

Mouth Surgery for Avery

Avery had to have some serious work done on his mouth this month. I took him to the dentist and in 5 months his teeth went from few watches to …he need work done asap before theses turn real bad. Dr. Murdock suggested that Avery have 3 possibly 4 root canals, and have 9 fillings on his molars. We were in a rush because we were getting ready to leave for California for 10 days. He referred us to another Dor. In AF that might be able to do it sooner than he could and he was a specialist with kids. I took Avery to the suggested Dr. Smith. I really liked his office and the deciding factor to use his was that he immediately diagnosed his teeth problem as Dental Genesis Imperfecta. This is when his teeth do not build up enamel so he has no protective covering so imperfections such as cavities come easily. DR. Murdock never mentioned this disease only asked questions like, did he go to sleep with a bottle how long did he use a binky what kind of foods does he eat Basically making me feel like I took poor care of my son and his teeth. Any how
DR. Smith believes that filling will not stay with teeth in this condition so that Avery actually needs all the teeth covered with caps. He offered white caps vs. silver (something Murdock did not offer didn’t even know they existed for kids???) so I went with that. 8 total are needed. He has only seen a few in the years of his practice but the fact that he knew immediately what it was and didn’t think that I took poor care of my kids teeth meant a lot. So I went with him and put the surgery back until we got home from California. I was just praying that we wouldn’t have any trouble while we were gone. I wanted him to have a good time in Cal. and not have surgery 1 day after his birthday and 3 days before we go out of town AND I wanted the more experienced anestigiaologist of 10 yrs vs. 1 yr putting him under sedation. This would have not m=been the case had we done it earlier.
It all turned out fine. I took Avery in the morning of the 17th of May. Colby went to work which I thought was strange, ya needless to say he got shit for from me his mom and my mom. But it is what it is and I took him alone. The doctor slyly gave him a shot in the arm while he was distracted by toys. When he did it he looked at the Dr. then looked at me and said “ough” gave me a look of anger and I though he was going to cry but he just wanted a hug. The meds took over very fast. He fell asleep with his eyes and mouth open. It was quite ugly it didn’t look like he was with me anymore and was quite disturbing. I was warned that this is how he would look so I was prepared. Daphne had the same surgery the month prior and I saw video of her. Which is why there are no pictures of him at any time this day. Not something I want to distinctly remember but probably always will. He was worked on for 70 minutes and then was asleep for an additional 40 minutes. I sat in a chair with him until he woke. Which was weirdly abrupt? He was in pain and the genius I was brought chewable Tylenol??? Seriously Michelle Chewable. So my mom went to the pharmacy for us and got him a few different pain relievers and also some snacks, drinks and a cute little bunny for Ave. After that we went home and Avery slept it off the rest of day and was as happy as ever. It took a few weeks for teeth brushing to go back to normal. Over all he did really well, just as Doc expected. We do have to watch what he eats for now on. No hard foods such as nuts hard popcorn suckers gummy foods, hey I’m fine with those. That’s all crappy food any how, minus the nuts. Jack is so protective always eating something before to see if it’s soft enough for Avery. There might be another reason there too

Easter Party

I had a last minute Easter party for Jack and his friends. We invited A few friends but it quickly grew as kids saw what was going on without them. I kept it small to keep it cheap but how can you exclude kids….I couldn’t they’re all so sweet and I would hate so see my kids left out. SO it grew from 5 to 12
We had an Easter Egg Hunt with filled eggs. Then we frosted cupcakes and played a few games. It wasn’t anything too extravagant but t was fun.
The boys got to attend four egg hunts this year, what ever happened to 1?
The HOA put one on for the neighborhood, then their party, one with the entire family and one by themselves.
Not to mention all the little individual ones throughout the month of April???

Avery turns 3!!!

Avery turns 3!!!
It was a memorable day and the weather thankfully was favorable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY, WE LOVE YOU!!
Colby and I made Avery’s 3rd Birthday special by surrounding him by his favorite movie which is IRON GIANT. It has been a while since the movie has been out so you can hardly find IRON GIANT themed items. So we improvised and made our own.
Invites, card, cake, water bottle covers, happy birthday and food signs. I procrastinated and left it all to the day before of course. It tuned out well. We did leave the house with out the cake so we had to turn back and skip getting him balloons because of it. Dang!
We held his party at the PG Park since that is one of his favorite places to go on the summer. We fed every one Taco Amigo his favorite place to eat out. So it was all close and convinent.
He played pretty much the whole time on the play sets which were fine and everyone else ate and got a chance to visit. We played a game of “How well do you know Avery?”
Two teams teamed up and had to answer 20 questions about Avery. I thought the team with Colby on it would win but no they won because Jack was on their team and he new all the answers! He knows his brother like no one else

Miles was ill so KeriAnns family was unable to come and Elliott had an Art Show so Melannies family attended that instead.
We had a great time and Avery was very excited about all his new gifts. They were all perfect for him.
Mostly robots and trains!

Game Night

Karene came for a little while to visit us Utahans’ we had a fun time. I scheduled a kid’s movie night with Lisa and her girls Abby, Ally and Tessa Karenes kids and mine. We ordered pizza provided by Lisa, Thank you! And we made yummy Carmel Popcorn! The kids love it when we make it. We played games and watched a movie together it made for a fun night, before Karenes family returned to California.

Easter egg dying

The boys and I painted Easter eggs together. They had some fun ones this year at the store and so I had a hard time deciding which ones to get so....I went with 2 different ones. I had originally decided to do I mini Easter egg painting egg party for the boys and their closest friends. It happened last minute but decided dying eggs was too messy for my personality and patients level. So we did them by our selves. Colby was unable to do them with us since he was at the grocery store and we were up against a baking dead line. ORANGE ROLLS. I love them but man I hate them.

Easter with the Hutchinson Family

We had a fun Easter egg hunt. we have quite a few kids now so we split up the eggs by color. Jack had blue, Ave had orange, Kade had purple, Ari Pink so on and so on. so it wasn't a race against each other and they all had 12 eggs in their color to find. We add a lot of green eggs and one GOLDEN egg that had money in them, all the kids could find these eggs. My moms house is fun to have the hunt at since her yard is full of bushes making great hiding places.

KeriAnn and I had a photo shoot with each other too.
It turned out to be a very nice day with the weather. So glad its so disappointing when its raining.
I made an Easter dinner that had a color theme and Easter look. But hey "If its worth doing, it's worth Overdoing!" It was fun to get ready for. Although hard in the same aspect, quite the job. I made a strong decision that my baking for events is over. It seems to always make me late....correction I always make us late when I bake. When I do, it never works out on time. I cant seem to get it going soon enough no matter how much prep. I 'll either get the food done but the kids and I are not ready or vise versa. its always baked goods. things that have to rise or cool till I frost. so Cakes and bread are out. I hate showing up to my Moms house in a bad mood because of my tardiness or lack of perfect food because I didn't give it adequate time.

Although Easter looked beautiful. Everyone in the family was asked to bring a dish of course but I previously made up the menu and others were given new recipes to try. I have to admit I am a little tired of the same old same old. The new recipes turned out very good. Here are some pictures of the place settings and the spread we all helped prepare.

Easter was a fun day. We spent the day at my Moms house and invited Colby's parents.
Larry the Diabetic???

I also made clean up assignments. Nothing irks me more when I spend two days in the kitchen and a week preparing for a big family mean and then 2-3people get stuck cleaning it all up after all is done. there are 18-20 people at our dinners. Come on more can help clean up. So it went like this. Kids clear the table and put things in the kitchen and laundry room. Two adults put away the food and condiments also packing up the food for leftover dispersal. two people load the dish washer and two-3 hand wash rinse and dry and put away. No one who cooked has to do a thing. all that got out of cooking that day defiantly should be expected to help. Fair? I think so it takes not only a lot f thought and prep then to cook it all and have it hot on their plates. Its stressful. Paper plates will be used for all events minus Christmas Easter and Mothers Day.