Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Friendly BBQ

We had a fun BBQ last night. We invited our friends Cody and his girlfriend Hailey Christian and our new neighbors Cecilia and her husband James and their 2 kids. Larry and Granny came over as well but left early as they had to get back to Kathy who broke her foot the night before in 3 places and was home in bed and serious pain. She tripped walking up her porch stairs in the dark. So sad, she’ll be out of work for 6-10 weeks. I think she s more bummed about that, using up all her saved vacation time for a broken foot than vacations.
Our BBQ was supposed to be outside but the weather turned bad started to rain really hard. James cooked all the meat on his smoker and it was sooo delicious I loved it Colby seasoned it so good and it was all cooked to perfection. Every one brought a side. We had a fun night the kids tore the basement a part making forts and plying Star Wars and the adults hung out upstairs talking drinking and listening to good beats! We got to know our new neighbors a little bit more as well as Hailey. It was great company we all want to go to Vegas together that would be a blast!
The Mills are a fun couple and easy to be around. They are very open and seem to be nonjudgmental and very sweet people. They are funny too and lots of laugh were shared over the night. We have plans for another BBQ at their house on Monday 2 nights away which I am excited for since they are big dancers and music buffs James is a DJ by hobby and Cecilia is a Zumba dance instructor. Our kind of people for sure!

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