Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mouth Surgery for Avery

Avery had to have some serious work done on his mouth this month. I took him to the dentist and in 5 months his teeth went from few watches to …he need work done asap before theses turn real bad. Dr. Murdock suggested that Avery have 3 possibly 4 root canals, and have 9 fillings on his molars. We were in a rush because we were getting ready to leave for California for 10 days. He referred us to another Dor. In AF that might be able to do it sooner than he could and he was a specialist with kids. I took Avery to the suggested Dr. Smith. I really liked his office and the deciding factor to use his was that he immediately diagnosed his teeth problem as Dental Genesis Imperfecta. This is when his teeth do not build up enamel so he has no protective covering so imperfections such as cavities come easily. DR. Murdock never mentioned this disease only asked questions like, did he go to sleep with a bottle how long did he use a binky what kind of foods does he eat Basically making me feel like I took poor care of my son and his teeth. Any how
DR. Smith believes that filling will not stay with teeth in this condition so that Avery actually needs all the teeth covered with caps. He offered white caps vs. silver (something Murdock did not offer didn’t even know they existed for kids???) so I went with that. 8 total are needed. He has only seen a few in the years of his practice but the fact that he knew immediately what it was and didn’t think that I took poor care of my kids teeth meant a lot. So I went with him and put the surgery back until we got home from California. I was just praying that we wouldn’t have any trouble while we were gone. I wanted him to have a good time in Cal. and not have surgery 1 day after his birthday and 3 days before we go out of town AND I wanted the more experienced anestigiaologist of 10 yrs vs. 1 yr putting him under sedation. This would have not m=been the case had we done it earlier.
It all turned out fine. I took Avery in the morning of the 17th of May. Colby went to work which I thought was strange, ya needless to say he got shit for from me his mom and my mom. But it is what it is and I took him alone. The doctor slyly gave him a shot in the arm while he was distracted by toys. When he did it he looked at the Dr. then looked at me and said “ough” gave me a look of anger and I though he was going to cry but he just wanted a hug. The meds took over very fast. He fell asleep with his eyes and mouth open. It was quite ugly it didn’t look like he was with me anymore and was quite disturbing. I was warned that this is how he would look so I was prepared. Daphne had the same surgery the month prior and I saw video of her. Which is why there are no pictures of him at any time this day. Not something I want to distinctly remember but probably always will. He was worked on for 70 minutes and then was asleep for an additional 40 minutes. I sat in a chair with him until he woke. Which was weirdly abrupt? He was in pain and the genius I was brought chewable Tylenol??? Seriously Michelle Chewable. So my mom went to the pharmacy for us and got him a few different pain relievers and also some snacks, drinks and a cute little bunny for Ave. After that we went home and Avery slept it off the rest of day and was as happy as ever. It took a few weeks for teeth brushing to go back to normal. Over all he did really well, just as Doc expected. We do have to watch what he eats for now on. No hard foods such as nuts hard popcorn suckers gummy foods, hey I’m fine with those. That’s all crappy food any how, minus the nuts. Jack is so protective always eating something before to see if it’s soft enough for Avery. There might be another reason there too

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