Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Passing of Noram Nell Haris - Grandma Nell

Colby Grandmother on his Mom's side passed away yesterday just after midnight.
Norma Nell Harris was her name. We spent most the day at his parents house just hanging out. Kathy is doing fine, she's somber but not extremely emotional. This has been coming for a long time and Kathy has been preparing for months. I'm glad she did, no one else in the family was willing to face it the way she did.
She passed in the night, alone unfortunately but the way I see it, that's fine this women was quite a strong women and didn't need anyone there for her to pass on. She was visited consistently and had family all around her the day and night before and got to see every one recently. She suffered from Kidney failure and was having kidney dialysis for the past year. She had an unfortunate stroke a few months ago that landed her in Heritage home. This is where she spent the last few months of her life. We tried to surround her in things from home and had the family portrait there so she could start recognizing all her family members. She went in and out of confusion but always seemed to remember us when we visited. It was wonderful to see how she would light up when my kids would enter the room. She got such and angelic smile.
We will miss her and keep in mind all the teaching of which she gave often. She was a fountain of knowledge and and inspiration for that, in my mind.
Family will be flying in from Tennessee and Montana. She is now with her mother father and brother and daughter Lauri, having the time of her existence I am sure. Colby and I have been going down a new path this last year and have been enlightened on a new way of thinking about life death and the times in between. So this passing was looked at in a whole new light and was very comforting knowing what she was encountering this time around.
Norma's viewing is on Thursday and her funeral, Friday morning. Colby will serve as a casket barrier as well as all the other grandchildren of Norma's.
We unfortunately never got real close to her. She was a stone that you couldn't brake and there for, never saw much of her except holidays and birthdays when she would come for dinner. Of course after a passing like this you always regret that and wish you tried harder, I try and keep this in mind with the remaining grandparents and strive to bring my kids closer to their Grandparents for this reason. I wish for them all to be great friends and form close relationships to all of them in their own special ways.
Beth, Norma's younger daughter, was very close with her and will be sorely missed by her family. They seemed to form that mother daughter bond early in the relationship as a child but Kathy's childhood was extremely different than Beth's. Beth doesn't seem to understand how she can be so non-emotional. Kathy and Beth had different fathers Beth's was a typical father as Kathy's was very abusive and hurt her often, physically. So when the times Norma didn't intervene, Kathy got tough and closed out some of her family. I feel the tension often and wonder what really went on but Kathy is not very open to sharing the stories.
I feel bad for the both of them, I hope all works out afterwards once Norma is buried and they start moving on. I guess the second shift of hard work starts now cleaning out the house and passing it off to Norma's ex husband Henry who lives in Arizona, yet another we are not close to. I've seen him twice. We do always get a card for Christmas an Colby gets one every birthday but that's about it.
Norma,I'm sure you found your way home and are being guided in your next journey, we love you and will miss all your elaborate detailed stories you gave, you had a brilliant mind and for that we had some interesting conversation.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Couples Night Out

We had a fun night with some friends from the neighborhood. It was game night at the Clarks. Colby and I really like the two of them, they invite us over quite often but we seem to never be able to go very much. Its usually always couple only and we simply don't have regular baby sitters. When we go out we like to sty out since it doesn't happen very often, girls in the neighborhood usually watch I would think until 10pm. But we really should get someone other than our family members all the time. We really enjoy it when we get out with our friends. We'll have to try harder.
So there were four other couple there and we played some card game that Colby and I did not get At ALL... i don't know why we never caught on but the game seemed completely pointless until the end when two players had no points and Colby and I were in the 200+ points which is bad.
Colby came in last and previously before loosing I threw in for some interest that the winner had to come up with something that the looser had to do. A dare thing!
Colby Lost Jocelyn won and she dared Colby to drink 2 oz. of baby formula. Warm formula that had already been guzzled by Zane Clarke, Jenny's boy.
It took quite a few minutes and pushing for him to finally do it. A lot of laughs were had and it made the evening end with great humor.
All the couples were very enjoyable and we were able to meet a couple new people which is always nice.

BMX Double Point Race, Saturday

Well Jack had his race yesterday and did wonderful! He had three races to run the first one was the Big Wheel Race and was only half the track. HE practiced three times around the track first along with all the other 13 and under riders. there was a lot of people there apparently this was the biggest race in the county. There were quite a few good spills taken by the riders but no serious injury as I could tell. Grandpa chi Grandma Nae Bry and Daphne were able to make it and watch Jack run two of the three races.
Jack received a RED TROPHY for his Big Wheel Race and a BLUE TROPHY fr his last race which he came in 5th and 4th on his second race.
We need to get him a lighter bike. Hes a fast rider if only he had a lighter and bigger bike. This was the last ride of the season until May so Colby and I are committed to saving up for a BMX bike over those few months so he can have a full face helmet and a true BMX bike. They cost between 200. and 600. but we'll start with the low end until he gets really good, then we'll see from there.
It was exciting to see him do something I know he enjoys. He was a little disappointed to finish in the last category but he'll get better with practice I know it, the new bike will defiantly help, hes really not that far behind all the others , if he had the bike I bet he would have finished 2nd or maybe even better.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Food Storage

I’ve been doing food storage for our church the past few weeks it pretty involved but I’m happy to do it. Its something most people think of but never really get around to so I’m glad I got at least half our ward 72 hour kits in their home and gave everyone else the chance.
My kitchen has been in Desiree for the past few weeks. Today hopefully everyone will pick them all up and get them out but I kind of doubt it.
I put together 72 hour kits, a sheet teaching them how to prepare for an emergency, how to pack a “go bag” “go box” and building a food storage.
I’m having them put it all together over a years time but Colby and I got it all put together in January, I’m not much for spreading things out. I like it off the brain so I can fill it with something new.
72 hour kits: food for 3 days saved in a milk jug containing 3oatmeal pkg, 2 cocoa mixes, 2 tang servings, 2 granola bars higher protein and fiber less sugar, 2 100% fruit juice fruit leather, 1 pop top soup 2.5 servings, 1 1 serving beans, 1 serving canned pasta meal, 1 pop top can 1 serving mixes vegetables, 2- 1oz beef jerky, 1 applesauce, 1 corn nuts pkg, 1 cracker/cookie pkg, 5 pieces of gum, 9 pieces of hard candy, 1 match box, 1 tissue pkg, 1 ID badge,3 baggies, 2 hand warmers then you store it with 3- 2 liters of water.
"go bags" contain things like set of complete outfits, flashlights with batteries, activities for kids, poncho's, blankets, boots, whistles, compass, water, protein bar, matches, Rx, medicain, first aide kit, body necessities cleaning agents.
"go box" contains things like tools, tape, plastic, change, bucket, bags,. things you would need in order to make a place habitable.


Valentines Breakfast, I decided to do a breakfast instead of a dinner since Colby was likely to be working late. We had Parfes waffles with chocolate chips, strawberry milk, donuts and fresh fruit. All Valentine Colors. Jack didn’t end up eating since he was sick and Avery slept in late so it ended up being Colby and I. That was nice too.
I think I’ll make Valentine Breakfast a tradition. It was nice I set up the night before and made things that were fairly easy and it tuned out special.

BMX Race

Jack has always become interested in Biking. BMX racing is new to him but right up his alley. We don't really know anything about it other than it looks fun it involves a bike and you pedal fast.
FAST ya, that’s him. Last summer I was constantly getting comments from other moms of how Jack scars them because of his speed on his bike. Well…it makes him happy.
So I looked up BMX racing in Utah and found an event center that allows any one any age any level to come and give it a try. Two weekends ago we took a Saturday and watched the racers do their thing. It looked like a lot of fun. The next day on Sunday we went again to have Jack do the BIG WHEE RACE this is a race that has kids 5 and under race half the rack with or without parent’s long side helping if need be. Well we were late and Jack was not able to attend. But they felt bad for him and they gave him a trophy any how, Avery even got one since he brought his big wheel. So here are the boys proud of what they received. The company gives any child who was willing to try a trophy, pretty cool.
So this week end we are going back. It is the last race for the season. It all starts up again in May at the RAD RACING TRACK in West Valley. Today’s race is held in Riverton at the Equestrian Event Center, indoors.
He’s excited, I'm nervous, and excited for him. We saw a kid take quite a big biff last weekend we went. They have a few rules as far as clothing helmet and such but nothing undoable. So we’ll see how they do. Avery will be racing too. My mom and Bryston Taryn Elliot Daphne and Dad will be there to cheer him on.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Weekend

This Valentines was quite event full! Colby and I decided to take a mini vaca. and take the boys to Midway and stay at the beautiful Zermatt Resort. It is located across the street from the Homestead which is the only other place we have ever stayed. We defiantly want to go again as a couple. There is so much to do to relax there. But with kids it was fun in a whole different way!
The most exciting part was that Avery got accustomed to the water again. After a near drown ding experience in California last Summer, Ave has not looked at water the same way. When ever a pool is near by or even in talking about going swimming he bursts in teas for 30 minutes repeatedly saying how he "doesn't want to die in the water mama" I feel bad for him and realize how traumatic that situation was for him and the quilt I feel for not being there. We've taken him swimming since but never with any success. This time was perfect it was quite and I was able to give him my full attention and support. He played on the stairs most of the time but near the end wanted to go swim so Colby or I would take him out and explore a little. But once he got uncomfortable and asked to go back , that's what we did I didn't want to push him any. I was pleased with what he was willing to do. Soon it was in and out of the pool vs the hot tub. He was really enjoying it putting his head underwater and blowing bubbles. Soon he was not willing to leave the pool as it was time to go. All the night and next day he was relentless in asking to go swimming again. So we went 2 more times. We had a blast.

The boys enjoyed a treasure Valentines hunt around the hotel in and out, it ended in a bakery getting rewarded with a sucker and cookie.

We went back and played games in the room and blew up balloons to play with. That night as dusk was setting, we went and visited the Ice Castles. It was 13.00 to get us in ants cheaper if you buy the tickets at the local Mexican Restaurant down the road, but we were pressed for time. It was a quick trip as it was quite cold. We had a picture taken and bought it for $10.00. They were beautiful and amazing. A little scary as you walk threw arches. Huge sharp icicles pointing down at you. I was a little scared, good thing the earthquake that happened this week a couple days later was not in Midway and in Lehi instead.

We ate Dinner at Schneider's Fine Dining Restaurant, it is attached to the hotel. The food was delicious, beautiful and filled us up. The boys ate for free which was nice! Our meal ended up costing over $100. but it was all included in our package. They had a Valentines special that I took advantage of that include 1 night stay breakfast at Maggie's and the dinner. Also they threw in a show that was held at their event center. We got our moneys worth for sure!! We highly recommend the Zermatt!
Colby is not a fan of buying jewelry so I was extremal surprised when he gifted me with a diamond necklace at dinner. He's coming around! Its beautiful and very much my style I actually have earrings that match it!

The man I get for my VALENTINE!
Thanks Sweetie for all you did for us for Valentines this year. You made our holiday very memorable and the time was well needed with you, this time of year! We Love you!

The next day we went shopping around town and ended the vacation drove home and had movie night at home! It was relaxing Fun and great memories were made as you can see

Friday, February 11, 2011

Activity Night

We had a successful activity night for the women of our ward. We held a cruise night on the Love Boat. We held four classes about how to love: The Lord, Your spouse, your children and your neighbor. Wonderful ideas and thoughts were shared. We all dressed in crew attire or hawaiian attire took group photos and sipped on Brizilian lemonaide and ate cocnut treats that taste like almond joys minus the almond and had delightful cream puffs that were coconut flavored hand made by Kathy Call!

It was a great turnout and fun time had by all. I was the phototgrapher and plan on making a poster to show our good times.

Daphne Day

I got to watched my neice Daphne today, she so adorable, she soooo dang small. Here are some pics of her and Avery. She loves playing with my boys as they do her. Friendship for life

Shopping with my Sis

Yesterday KeriAnn and I my sister, met at Olive Garden with our kids and then went to the mall. I needed to get some makeup at the MAC counter holy cow was it busy all other counters were bare but not the MAC. Later we walked around the mall, and guess where we had to stop and ended up spending a bundle? Build a Freakin Bear. as if we dont have enuoght animals as it is. But they were so perfect I couldnt reseist. Jack made a horse and Avery made a owl so stinkin cute. They both dressed them in StarWars outfits AVery got Darth Vader and Jack got a Jedi of course. They came with light sabers and all. Both boys added a noise which happens to be the StarWars song.

I took them from the mall and stocked them away for Valentines. I was having a hard time deciding what to do for them anyhow. I wanted to do the Hallmark book that has your voice reading to them. My boys love books and sometimes Im not willing to read to them late at night when its past ytheir bedtime so I may still do one. We'll see. While I was there I saw the cutest decoration for Valentines. So I took a picture. I would like to do it in our kitchen for Valentines Breakfast. I plan on makeing it a big deal got the idea from a lady at church who taught a class for our activity night. Ive done it before and it was fun so Im glad she reminded me of it or I may have forgotten to do it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another Proud Moment

Adding on to the proud day we had last week. That same day Jack had gone to Taekwondo and was tested by his master. We had worked really hard that week as we do every week, but I'm trying to get into the routine of T.W.D. along with everything els. After class he was given "tips". These are simple pieces of colored electrical tape but mean that you are progressing well and on your way to your next rank of belt "Yellow". Well after class Mater Schroeder came to me and asked if we were testing that month. This is when Jack performs his kicks, punches and form in front of all the Masters. Along with that, he needs to turn in a evaluation sheet from me himself and his school teacher, two book reports as well as accomplishing 8 chores per day for a month. A lot, I know and I love it. Americans seem to be lazy, if I may bluntly say. I love the the culture of a Korean is being instilled in my child, my 5 yr old child. Did you know that Korean children spend more time in school than any one and being a teacher is the highest paid career in their county...well that's what Im told.
Mater Schroeder asked if Jack could finish out the month of Feb. in his current class then skip to the older class. Now let me tell you that means Jack will be skipping ahead 5 belt ranks and going to the older class 3 months early. So Ya I was proud. He finished off by saying Jack is smart and well behaved.

NOW that ice cream sunday was really deserved. I smothered Jack in compliments all day long. We called Dad and Grandma and text everyone in the family about his great accomplishments that day. Jack was on cloud 9. Brimming from ear to ear. I loved to see him so proud of what only he could do!!

Proud Moments

I am so proud of Jack this week. His teacher at school was having some difficulty with the kids in class. They were apparently nor listening talking back not doing what they were asked in class and on the play ground. So a letter was sent home asking parents to talk with their kids. She also is implementing a new weekly evaluation per child.
1st Eval. 5 subjects. Jack received 4 & 3's -1 being bad. Although it doenst sound like bad scores for my Jack it was because he should be receiving maybe 2, 4's the rest 5. So that week was bad. We had talk over talk over talk. Then the 2nd eval came and I was soooooo happy.
This week he had all 5's. We celebrated with sundays, he was really proud of himself. I wanted to show over excite, so he could see how happy I was for him and of him, so Hopefully he would want to feel like this more often, instead of the was ugly I assure you. Thank goodness for Serina who actually saved Jack and I from a horrible night. She popped in late the night we got the bad report card and interrupted a huge fight between Jack and I. Numerous words and sounds were regretted the next day. This was about numerous things not just the report card.
God sends help when it is really needed. She was that help tonight. Thanks you can't know how much you were needed!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Miles turns 1

My nephew Miles celebrated his 1st Birthday this past weekend. How time has flown. His mom KeriAnn, decided to have a Safari themed birthday party. We made a lion cake for him for his tear-apart cake and cupcakes for every one else. They turned out really cute. Miles received many educational gifts, spoiled really. The whole family was there except Melannie and Adam, as they are off in Hawaii. It was good to see every one and enjoy a night together celebrating Miles and all his “miles”tones!
He is the cutest little guy. He looks exactly like KeriAnn, its crazy. He is going to be one handsome boy!

Friday, February 4, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I have several new year Intentions for 2011.

*Get some hobbies.
*Get Back into Oil painting 4 paintings this year
*Learn to Dance
*Body Building Great eating workout p90x 6 times a wk, elliptical 3 night a wk
-Have the body I have always wanted
wake @ 6 get 30 min cardio elliptical, 60 min p90x then 30 min elliptical @ night while I watch my shows.
**New RULE** No work out-No TV
*Travel to new places this year.
-Hawaii in January
-San diego / San Fransisco-July
-Yellow Stone-June
-Lava Hot Springs-Aug
*Save $ bank 3 months paychecks

*Potty Train Avery
*Teach Avery Colors, 1-10
*Get Jack into a sport
-interests BMX racing, Karate, Baseball, swimming, soccer

For now!


Little Avery Kai is official easy from this point on. In my opinion teaching to eat, walk and potty train, are the hardest things to teach. We have accomplished all of them. This week he has only had one accident including naps and bed time. It took 7 months to get that little booger trained but he finally kicked in and did it! I am so happy. I wanting to give up several times but new I had to keep repeating the process.
Jack seemed to be a bit faster than this but oh well.
Ave first was bribed by candy then stickers then we took a small brake & didn't push so hard. I constantly had to ask him to go and then had to make him. After 7 months he finally just started going by himself. He had shown signs of wanting to go for months so I started him but then the fun wore off, hence the rewards.
Looking back on it it was not so bad..
Now, time to have the carpet cleaners come back!
He's great he goes, dumps outs, closes the lid and flushes all himself. The hand washing needs work.

Guess what else? I'm $60 a month richer. No more diapers and wipes!! yahoo