Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Night in the Fall

I look forward to this time of year. I feel the anxiety of the school children. I remember fondly what they are feeling wither nervous or excited. I was always a mix between the two. It is also Colby and I favorite season. Fall it brings Halloween farmers market falling leaves just a sense of calmness and relaxation. A peaceful thoughts come over me. Tonight in fact is fun for our family. We start with an activity at thanksgiving point since we have a season pass and then hit the farmers market. We always stop and get a slice of bread and buy some fresh fruit. I look forward to canning and sharing my canned creations. Every year I do more and save all year long so I have ample money to do it all. We have fun as a family and now that we are so close it makes-it even better, It so fun to see all the venders from around town come and share what they love to do best. We go every weekend and it never seems to get old. SO tonight is the night, I plan on making it a better day, cross your fingers for me.

The Hard Days

Some days I have the hardest time....being Me. I feel like I do the same thing every day and get no where. Why does this happen? I know I'm not the only mother who feels this. But so many of us are afraid to put down our guard and admit that this is damn hard. Some think, your a mom who stays home and does what ever you want every day. Well screw them. Today I looked at my self and thought, Michelle this is so trivial what are you worried about. But I do. Life can be hard, I look for the guidance but some days I simply cant see it. I try and try to stay positive and keep up a happy facade but that's all it is some days. Today is that day. But today I'm not hiding I'm sick of hiding and pretending that I know how to do it all and I'm fine by myself. I really don't feel like I have anyone who can help me. My kids are sick and I'm frankly sick of them, Well OK to be honest just Jack. Ave is so little its hard to be mad at his simple mistakes he's a baby to me still how can you blame him. The same should go for Jack but I can't seem to stay off his case. How do you get a child to do what you want them to do with out raising your voice and getting mad after asking them for the 5th time. I am sick of doing it all myself, cleaning the spilled milk all over the counter and chairs and newly mopped kitchen floor or the smashed Cheerios all over the bathroom kitchen hall and family room. I make their bed 4 times a day and pick up toys every other day and I don't just mean a couple I mean ALL of their toys. Friends come over and help turn the house upside down. Yet I'm happy to have them here to play because it makes the kids so happy.
So how do I find the balance? Today I just don't know. I'm just want to walk away from it all, leave it for their dad. I told Jack today that he needs to decide where he wants to go stay because I don't want him anymore. He was hurt, but I seemingly didn't care. I'm so sick of the same fights over and over and over again. Hours later I settle down and apologies but happens again. How do I stop? ?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day at the Lake

Today we went to the Herriman Beach. It is Utah's version of a beach any how, it's really just a small lake with sand. My friend Melissa took us there a few weeks ago. It's really fun so I took a couple of the girls from our neighbor hood there. It was hilarious to have the carivan follow behind and attempting to keep up. I wish Karen was here still we would have had such a fun summer together. I'm more together than I was last summer. Although the month of June was fun to go to California with Karen twice.
So the kids just play in the lake while the moms sun bath and talk. Here is a few pictures of all the kids.
We had Tammie Richins join us with her three boys. There is Kyle Jackson and Lucus

Lisa Johnson and her three girls Abby Ally and Tessa she also had her sister come as she helps her out every Tuesday. Man wish I had my sister scheduled to come hang out every week.

Then We had Summer Furgison she is our newest friend and neighbor she had three kids as well gees I'm feeling a little lonely with the kid numbers.....naa just less spread out I always like to think. Her kids names are Haley, Esten,& Dawson.
Then Me Jack and Avery were there. We stayed for a few hours then we went off to visit Melissa, Will and Grahm while we were ther in Herriman.
It made for a great day and good conversation with the ladies. I love all their attitudes. They are all possitive and have great tips and ideas. Just the type of personalitlies I would choose to align myself with.

Block Party

We pulled off a successful "Block Party" this week end, very last minute.
My husband and another neighbor bishop Bonham "Ryan" have been talking about it for months other neighbors have been hinting around to have me throw another one as I did a couple of years a go but haven't since. To be honest it was not on my priority list but I do enjoy them. So I finally just did it.
I tried to make it interactive=e and put most the responsibility on others.
We started with just mingling. Kids were able to play on the blowup water slide that the Bonham's provided and we set it up in across the street at Lisa Johnson's house. We then ate. The Bishop provided hamburgers hot dogs and buns for all. I had every one else bring a side and something else like plates, ice napkins etc.
The kids decorated their own bikes and we had a parade for the parents. Lisa and I had candy to pass out so they could throw it out.

We then had a fun treasure hunt with 7 different clues leading around the 6 houses surrounding my house. It ended in Lisa's house. I made chocolate cupcakes and decorated them with chocolate frosting Lisa Amy and her friend I'm spacing her name she is from Korea, all helped me decorate them. They sprinkled them with chocolate oreos for the "dirt" and then a chocolate gold coin. Their buried treasure. We made about 60 since there was 49 kids invited and we ended up only needing about 20 so needless to say we had loads left over.
Only about half the people came which is typical and actually good for the fact that they had 3 days notice.
So I am using the rest for a Boo-Hoo Party that Nichole Sutherland is throwing tomorrow morning. I just froze them. We'll see how they turn out. I thought their moms could give them to all the kids when they get home from school. As tomorrow is the first day of school for all but the kindergartners.
We ended the night with movie. I borrowed my brother in-laws Nick's projector and we shot it on Ryan and Jeremy's white screen.
We could have shot it on the house though. I made kettle corn for all who stayed ahead of time. most sat on blankets and a few on chairs. I lost my cellphone that night and found it today, 5 days later. It was on one of the chairs cup holders of my neighbors. We found it today when we went to the lake. Seriously how many times can I loose and find that thing. Oh well thank goodness.
So the movie was a little embarrassing to watch. It was Iron Giant. I got out several movies and that was what all the kids picked. But I had totally forgot that it had swear words in it. Nice kids show to sit down in front of with the bishop his kids and all the men in the bishopric. I was so antsy that I couldn't even watch it. I said to my self, if they don't like it then they'll tell me to turn it off or they will leave, right. Neither happened, so i guess it was OK. I apologized to their wives but no one ever heard anything front their husbands, so maybe it wasn't a big deal. I still felt bad, so SORRY. you just don't expect words like that in a kids cartoon. oh there was also a coffee drinking scene with the kid. I'm not against coffee but having a kid drink it on top of it all, I was like ahhhhh.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 5

Not that I thought this would be easy. I have always been OK diet wise but I am not good enough to get the results I want until now. It usually takes me a week or two to really pin down what I shouldn't be eating. And I am getting to that point now. I see what bad things I ate yesterday and how unsatisfying they were. They only things that are irresistible when around are french fries. They are for sure my weakness. I can pass up cakes and cookies soda but fries and oh chips they are hella good. Potatoes Cheese and artisan breads.
The past few days I have been canning jams Raspberry strawberry and blackberry
My mom is the old fashion caner and does it by the book. She does not enjoy sugar free foods but I just can't stand to see me put in 4 cups of fruit and then 8 cups of white refined sugar. Instead I put
Jam Recipe sugar substitute or sugar free
4 cups fresh fruit 1 cup 100% real fruit juice with no added sugars and 3/4 C agave nectar. also includes 2 boxes of sugar free pectin

I feel so much better feeding that to my family.

I was in the store the other day and I have always liked to see what others buy. I was looking in peoples carts and was noticing processed foods, chips ice cream, candy huge bags of it with sugar filled cereals. I had a friend tell me once that all that is party food and that we should only buy those things when we are having a "PARTY" I liked that, its so true. I was proud that day to have most of my basket full of vegetables school supplies high protein foods.
I secret to shopping. I hit the produce isle First spend most of my time and money there. then I go around the perimeter of the store dairy, meats and baby items. I pop down the bread isle once in a while and down hygiene isles. NOTICE ANYTHING?
No processed food isles, no cereal isles where your tempted with pop tarts and strudels donuts and candy. This is they way you might want to consider shopping next time and see how it goes. Quit spending your hard earned money on crap that is only going to send you to the doctors and to the gym. Eat Well work well and enjoy your life. If you take care of your body, IT will take care of you!

protein shake
1/2 Multi-grain cheerios
1 Xe-energy drink
Chicken breast
endamame beans
protein bar
xocai x-power

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 4

Avery is now saying Taco Amigo which is our favorite fast food restaurant EVER. I was making home made healthy pizza last night and he said momma taco amigo come on and pointed out the door. Well needless to say he wanted a taco and not the pizza but man did it taste sooo good.
He is actually saying it right now he must want to go again. I didn't even mention it maybe he can read this. Can you Ave or your just feeling my energy for how freaking delicious it is? We have the night alone tonight maybe we'll go. Colby and Jack are going on a boys camp out with our church should be interesting, we'll see how it go's

Today's menu
Best Eggs Ever: and I don't really like eggs
2 egg whites 1 whole egg, 1/2 C cottage cheese, pepper, dried onion, with McCormick's Italian rub
6oz V8 Splash Diet
Chicken breast in a orange chicken sauce from panda express 2 TBSP
Orange creamy
protein shake
2 xocai chocolate
1 XE energy drink
2 16oz glass water
chicken fruit salad
5 french fries - Hey at least I only ate 5
4 tsp of frosty
5 multi grain wheat thins
handfulll of seeded granola

So far.......

Here is last night pizza recipe

Pizza recipe

Get the tortilla wraps at Costco or the Italian seasoned ones at Walmart or the whole wheat pita brads at wither store.
add EVO if desired I didn't to mine to keep it healthier
mix butter or EVO with McCormick's chicken Italian rub
spread minimally onto bread
sliced artichoke, spinach, bacon bits may want to use turkey bacon for healthier choice, pre-seasoned and cooked w McCormick mix chicken slices, then sprinkle with fat free Parmesan cheese and fat free mozzarella cheese.
set in oven for 10 min at 375 degrees. Yum mo
Great alternative to expensive unhealthy pizza Colby loved it!

Ave is now saying "What the Heck" I think its cute!

Menu Day 3

Today was fine. Jack Avery and I met Colby for lunch so the lunch menu was not what you would classify as ideal for the p90x diet but I attempted to make the best out of it.
Main: Turkey sand which with ham, avocado mayo mustard lettuce and Swiss cheese
how I made it fit. took top of bun off scraped off all may and took off one slice of cheese. no option for whole wheat bread was available. about a 4" sand which
Drink: water and a V8 splash VS soda
Snack: 8 Pretzels VS chips
I later added a protein shake with chocolate mix with 4 strawberries and 1/2 banana
1 breast of chicken and hers
1/2 C edamame beans
1 cookie- dang they are so freakin good.

Jack was able to spend the day with his dad at work. He loves to do that and I am glad Colby has a job were he is able to do those sorts of things. Jack packed a hot dog thinking he would need it for dinner. and a butt load of fruit roll ups and 2 fruit snacks. I also try to have my boys eat the same food as I so they will be use to eating the right foods. Snacks at our house include sugar free candy, sugar free syrups, jams and peanut only peanut butter natural. fruit snack fruit roll ups and fruit drinks are no sugar added and 100% fruit no added preservatives or colors. I am told that drink boxes are containing toxins so we are fazing those out. Pop cycles are weight watchers and fruits are in no sugar added syrups and no artificial sweeteners.
We try to watch the hot dog intake as well as chicken nuggets. Here is a list of 9 things you should keep out of your children's hands.
We have chips occasionally but I try to keep whole wheat products and baked goods instead of fry ed foods around.
But every child deserves a treat now and then, but if I can keep it health were they won't notice others wise than we are both happy.
If my kids give me any guff I just tell them that it's junk food and tell them the kinds of negative things that sugar and fat will do for your body Jack seems to understand. He even tell people in the store with chips or Pepsi that they are Junk food and that they are bad for their bodies. Crap don't kids say the damnedest things. I just laugh and walk off. I do tell him to keep his opinion only to those whom ask.
He refuses to eat pizza at his grandmas because its junk food and would only eat a banana one day I was so proud.

If they get candy it is usually a small penny candy. I feel much better about how I feed my kids since I have gotten started into p90X Dr. Merola and the kenesyology.
It had been a great change for us all.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Menu day 2

Today I did good. I Even had an extra baby with me and spent the day at the lake.
We woke fed kids did 1 hr PLYOMETRICS workout and then headed to the lake in Herreman with Melissa Will and Gram. Came home made Jam took a cat nap and made dinner. Now im wating for some people to come and pick up Karenes couches. If they are not here by 7:30 like they promised at the latest. I think I will pull amove on them. They were also late an hour and a hlf last time they met me with no appology and had the odasity to say on my message machine today that I have been trying to get ahold of you today. Ya that means called me once at 5:46 and text me at 5:06. rude.
So todays menu:
Xocai Protein drink with 3 strawberries and 1 banana
2- xocai chocolates
2-32 oz water
1/3 costco hot dog-Bad choice good flavor
1/2 C cottage cheese w 3 strawberries
1 med fresh lime
1 xocai chocolate
2- 16oz water
edamame beans in salt water
Chicken breast w seasoning
a few grapes
1 wholegrain multi grain chip
3 oz roast w gravy
1 C steamed seasoned carrots and celery

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Starting a New Day

I decided that I am going to support my self as much as possible. I have serveral ways of doing that.

1st: I was supplied with the beach body racking sheet. on this sheet I will track if I worked out that day and with which work out.

2nd: The same sheet also tracks what foods I ate that day. I I actually see whats going in my mouth written on paper than possibly I will have a better idea of what kind of food attracts me, so I can keep it out of the house and or not stop at those restaurants any longer. I will also list this on my blog as well, I feel like if I have others looking at it will help me stay on track better too.

3rd: P90X supplied me with an online community for free to talk with others going threw the same transformation as myself so I will have the emotional support as well as suggestions when I find myself in need of an answer.

4th: I have a schedule set up so I know what works best for me and my family. I want to be able to get in house cleaning/pick-up, story time,play time, activity time workouts, well balanced meals, dinners prepared nightly, school time and also a run in 3-4 times a week. Colby and I have set up a schedule with each other where I will get the boys ready bathed teeth brushed stories read in in bed by 8:30-9:00 on Mondays,Wednesdays. He will handle Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fridays are free days and Saturday and Sundays are together team work days. This will give us a chance to do our own things for about and hour while the other handles the kids on their own.

So with these all set in place, I am ready to go. I have started my day off well, and plan on keeping it into check.

Monday, August 9, 2010


I want to be proud of myself for something. I seem to be lacking in that department lately. You could say that I have poor follow threw. I am working on that. Procrastination...not denying.
I have talked about Weight loss and Body building but I am only half way committed. i love food lets just get that out there on the table now. It is a way of sharing friendship over a plate of pasta a way of showing my husband I care that he has been at work all day and now I will reward you with this awesome ribye steak and potatoes orange rolls for the family on a Sunday after noon. So how do I take food from this to Food is Fuel and nothing else. How do i eat boringly in my mind at least and still enjoy all the company and surround elements which food brings.
I should be eating a high protein diet to go along with the tough and strenuous work outs I have been doing for 3 months. I feel like I have wasted the last 3 months of work because i don't control my eating and I hate that.
I want to show that I have made changes and have put in the time and have committed my self to something.
So I am starting over. From this day on i will live by the book p90X book that is. because obviously doing my own way with short cuts and sneaking in a little here and a little there DOESN'T WORK. and it shows. I will follow what so many others have proven to work and that is exercise and the RIGHT food will get you there.
Now the second I have to take all the supplements and vitamins that they all suggest or are thy just another way for them to make money off of you. that could get pricey. But I want it so bad for no one else but myself. I want to prove to myself that I can do it and that it is worth it and that I have finally succeed at what I put my mind to.
So lets Go lets prove it to them all especially my self that it does work if you keep focused and don;t give in.

God hears

When questioning myself about whether I thought there is a physical human being that is God, I felt that there is something that resembles God in feeling, but something else in sight.
In my more undesirable ways of acting with my child. I was shown that there is a God. A very strong feeling of a protector a light to which you could look to for comfort not found here on earth.
While giving a bike lesson to my son, I was most impatient with him. He was pleading with me to stop as I relentlessly wanted him to push on until he got it. To not give up, to toughen up and get the job done. He sobbed that he wanted to go live with Jesus and God, he wanted to be done and leave, to be loved by them.
At that moment I grabbed him and hugged him so tight and felt them there.
We stopped.
The fact that out of anyone, he could have asked for he asked for them. I feel that children hold on to the pre-life since it was so close. He new that was the only person who could have comforted him at that moment and that was his only way of bringing them there. If you ask you shall receive.

I'm so sorry my little prince, thank you for reminding me. I will treat you with only love and respect. You deserved so much more than you got at that moment.

No one is perfect but sometimes we need a firm reminding that everyone is their own person and no one controls or should try to control anyone.


Word rarely do the trick for me. unnecessary. I seem to express myself threw my touch and looks. It is enough for my boys. Avery whom use to be clear that touch was not his way. As time goes by I have found that being held or rubbed with a soft blanket is his way of feeling comforted. Both my boys are so animated and show such expression through their facial expression. I love to see what they will make next. Jack has always loved touch. He loves rocking, singing and being held. He loves his cheeks being brushed and soft kisses. he often shows me by him doing it to us himself then he will lay our hands on his cheeks to receive the feeling. I love it.

California Trip #2

Trips to California: We have traveled to and from Arizona Mesquite California many times in the past years but have never really stopped much to see things on the way. Well I am alone with my two boys and I am bound to make some memories for them and I.
We are stopping many places hers where. We are headed to California for the second time this month to see Karen, Jandi and Beckem. Colby is in China so we will be available so what better place to head for 11 days?!
We saw some Lavender fields that are growing in popularity. Yet it will never compare to the fields of Lavender in Maui Hawaii. Highly suggest making the trip to those when in the area!

We stopped at Cove Fort. Got hit up to pass around a book of Mormon, as Cove Fort is run by Senior missionaries. I didn't take it as almost every one I know is Mormon or set in their way and I am not about to change their minds. I myself am not sure where I stand. Well Actually I am but it is complicated and will get into some other time.
This was a fun place for us to stop take some pictures learn some history and meet some new people.

We stopped at the Beef Jerky store in They advertise like crazy so we had to stop and wee what they are all about. We didn't buy Jerky but we did buy a juice drink!

We also took some adorable pictures of Jack standing next to this sign Its the largest thermometer in the World Humm imagine that!

Do you think he compares?

Pit Stop kids got distracted by the raven (colby word) I call them crows who's right? I don't know?


How do you give enough attention to all of those that you care about?
Is a calendar needed an alarm telling you it's time to call so and so? Most of us know at least 250 people. Most of us only keep constant track of what, would you say 75 maybe 50 of those people. So how do you keep up with them.
We have visiting teaching, home teaching, family reunions, holiday parties, date nights and girls night or boys night out.
So I am making a challenge. We make a list of all those people that you know 250+ then out of those, underline 25 of them that you should contact at least every 6 mo. by phone in person what ever. Then circle the people that you would like to talk with every month then highlight every one you want to talk with every week. Some may have many other only a couple.
I think relation ships are very important.
Don't you like it when someone calls you or stops in to see you, just for the heck of it? I know I do but it rarely happens. Maybe if you do it to them, eventually they will return the favor.
I suggest when you do you test them to see how much they like themselves versus you!
Ask them questions. Take the focus off of you put the spot light on them. Give them the attention they deserve because after all they are they most important person in the World themselves. Make them feel that way. Don't make it a battle of wits or a story compare session " Oh ya when that happens to me I....." I hate it when others do that to me. The best words to say I think are "Yes, I know what you mean....continue please! instead of "Yes, I know what you mean....when that happened to me.....
If some one gives you free information it is because they want you to ask further. If you don't they will not feel like you actually care. So dig deeper and ask more questions but only to that which they want to give freely. If you feel to inquisitive then you probably are so lighten up a bit WARNING you can go overboard with the questions. Just Be Polite!
This is what I have observed and been shown. I'm attempting to put it into use give it a try and report it back, if you would like. I would like to see what you found out!

What do you have to offer?

How is it that we all seem to cling to a typical stereotype but when we actually try to live it, it never seems to turn out the way that we envisioned it.
Example: Raising kids, How do we decide that two is enough when our parents had more why do so many feel like they need to meet or top that number
Why do we all feel that we need to be in a home verses renting or owning the nice cars when we all know that a car is The worst investment that there is. We all like to have nice things sure. But when it comes down to it why do we compare our selves to others when we know deep down that it rally doesn't matter. As long as you are happy and content than that should be enough. I feel this for a few days mainly after hearing a story or and example in person or on TV. but soon I will fall back into the same old game again.
I believe we are here to experience every human experience there is to have that may take quite a few life times at the rate we are going. I seem to have the same lesson taught over and over again. When am I finally going to get one lesson through my head and make the right decision this time.
When am I going to quite asking myself if I made the right choice maybe I should change it. But will that really make it any better? Or will the same thing happen in a different situation?
For the most part I am happy the way things have turned out. I want more patients more understanding and less of an explosive temper would be nice. Why is it that such a little thing can get under your skin and the only way to get rid of it is to explode while only feeling remorse minutes if not seconds later.

What do you expect of of some one else? Than that is what you should expect out of your self nothing more nothing less.
When you teach your children the basics....are you following the basics or are you muffing that up too, are you expecting more out of them then you offer yourself?

Lasting Effects of Life step 1

How do you make a child brave, honest and caring?

I hope to raise a child that has numerous friends hopefully a few that he can really attach himself to and stick with. I want them to learn patients and how to protect themselves and others verbally first them if something else needs to happen well then...I know I treasure the fact that I have a friend from childhood one that although may have different views than me as a mother wife, and religious point of views. She still listens to me calls me on my birthday gives me my space and can relate and appreciate me for me.
I have always worried about bullying and acceptance for my children I try not to give it to much attention because of the whole "Where attention goes energy flows" but as a parent I think you need to watch out for them, teach them what a nice child would do and when to step in or out of a situation. Of course most of us do what our kids to be in the cool crowd just so you don't have to worry about them. But I was never in the circle of the athletic or highest popular kids nor was my husband. So is it to be that your children will fall in the same foot steps?
School is coming and I want to prepare myself and my kids for the lasting effects school can and will have on you.

Lending a hand

Took all the boys to the aquarium today. Melannie needed some time to get things in order for her cruise she Adam, Daphne and Bryston will be going on for 18 days!

So I took Elliot, Bry, Daphne, Jack and Avery.
It was Shark week so they all got to pet a couple sharks along with Sting Rays and other sea urchins.
Then we went to the mall for Lunch.
Bryston and Elliot are kids few of words so not much went on. Elliot how ever was lucky enough to be kind of got reamed out by the security guards for playing on the escalators backwards. He was in his own world and didn't hear him the first time he asked him to get off so the guard got vocal. I thought it was rude of him but what do you do, he's doing his job. It was careless of Elliot but he's a young kid what do you expect. No kid thinks a bout the danger of what they are doing, they're just doing it to have fun and get some laughs.
Melannie hardly ever asks for help these days so I am learning to offer more. It's something I am working on. Every one needs help. Most won't ask for it so I am trying to look for the opportunity to step in and help someone so they feel some relief right when needed.

Dinner in the Park

Thursday night we went to a friends wedding reception up in the avenues in Salt Lake City. The most beautiful LDS church ground and building I have ever seen. It is on a street names Yale as in Yale University. It looks just like a building you would see there and the grounds were amazing. Here is some video footage of them.
We later went to KFC for some very unsatisfying food and swear we are going to stop eating fast food except or Taco Amigo. We took our food to the park across the street and enjoyed some family time by a pond. They boys fed our left over bread to the ducks and geese. Nice night out together.

ALL of US and the Zoo

We went to the zoo today. Miles has never been and its been a while for the rest of us. I was happy to see Arionna, Melannie and all her kids attend as well as Keriann Miles and Kade. It was a full party was sadly miss Kristy Lee and her kids.
We spent several hours entertained by these beautiful animals and where disappointed to find that several animals that were there last time had since passed. The zoo morns the loss of their brand new-newborn giraffe and both their zebras. Ti's the circle of life i suppose but sad to actual see it happening as always.
They did have some new tiger cubs...ok well they were new to me and apparently tigers grow rapidly because theses were born in May and they look full grown now!

The orangutan's are always my favorite to see but this time they were not very lively. The kids favorite seemed to be the playground, this was all jack kept talking about.
The day was a little overcast so it made it quite perfect.
Keriann had to buy miles a new had. the one he came with was sitting on top his head like an old farmer.
My family packed lunch, usually quite boring and was tantalized buy all the fast food the everyone else bought. French fired get me every time:(

Daphne and Avery are at the age where they are fear full of things bigger than their selves so Avery was torchered by the metal gorilla while Daphne detest the wooded gorillas. neither was willing to stand near them with out a fight.

Big Brother Kade to Miles

Cutest Little Daphne

My Little Jack

This week end we were able to take a couple of days and do something as a family that we have never done before. We rented a canoe from a vendor in Orem, Utah and took it up to the Deer Creek Lake then to Tibble Fork in American for Canyon.
I...Michelle was the only one who had ever been canoeing before. I believe it was girls camp when I was about 13 years old. I didn't enjoy it then because it was cold and all the girls thought it was hilarious to dump the canoe as soon as you got out far enough. That was a huge fear this time as well. We had Avery and Jack obviously and right when we stepped in I got a reminder of just how fragile these boats are. moving your feet becomes like a mating dance. no one can bend over or move with out the counter of another person. So it made it quite tricky with the two small kids. We ended up having a very fun time.
So we rented the canoe then went on a rampage of finding a water kettle for heating up water for our hot chocolate in the morning as we forgot about that detail last camping trip we went on. We also forgot roasting sticks and the makings for smores last time and yes still failed this time as well. oh well the less sugar my kids intake these days the better. Read Dr. Mercola's blog about how dangerous sugar actually is for you if you want to actually find out why I hate my kids having so much sugar. You think it's harmless but really,....well just read it if your interested.
we then spent the day canoeing and sitting on the rocky beach of Deer Creek. It was quite windy and rained on us the first 30 min. so we had to sit it out in our car till the Huge Rain Drops quit falling. Then we were off. Later Granny and Papa L (Colby's dad and grandma) Met us for dinner. Colby really does not enjoy camping for too long so we make it short and sweet. We had dinner at Dairy Keen in the train station in Midway Utah and were able to attend their local city days and watch the parade as we sat and ate candy. I taught Jack how to pretty much guarantee that every person caring candy give some to him, every time. He and Avery loved it and filled up their pockets rather quickly. They ate their hot dog and chicken strips on the mini train they have outside. We then went and played at the park where jack added yet another 5 bloody scrapes to his knees ankles and shins, as he made friends with the local children more than half his age as they played freeze tag. The part he was most upset about was that I had him leave, and that he could no longer play with the kids that he said wanted to play with him. This is what I love about Jack. he make friends where ever he goes, timid sometimes at first but he never gives up and keeps on going. Something a feel did not come from Colby or I as we were both quite shy kids and never made a huge effort to grow our circle of friends. I always felt you really only needed one good friend but now I see it doesn't hurt to have a few around. Jack plays that well and is attracted to any kid. I hope that sticks with him. I try to nurture that even though it is not natural for me. Avery and Dad swung the hole time and had fun together. We later went back to our camp site and spent the night building a huge fire that Ave and Jack would smother as soon as Colby would turn around. so it was probably re built about 4 times. Frustrating Colby but hey can you ever get a kid to not play with the fire. Its tempting for us adults too. I always find my self picking up a stick and rummaging threw the fire, don't you?
Avery had a hard time falling asleep so I sage a few songs then he was out like a light. I have always sang the same three songs to my boys since they were born, I think they have become a staple when it comes to insomnia and physical wounds. Sunrise sunset from Nora Jones, Winter from Tory Amos and Hush little baby.
We woke the next morning and went to Tibble fork. It felt like we woke early as we were the only ones in the camp ground and found ourselves needing to whisper because of it. We packed up camp and headed to the lake at 10:45 realizing that we must have woke around 9am which is late in my book. we paddled around took turns and finally got Avery use to the idea of boating. he was excited to go on the last ride. Jack lead us through the wood and took us on a hike near the meadow up there.
The weekend was a success. They Boys love camping. I hope to make great memories with it just as my parents did for me.

Avery's favorite Part: He likes throwing rocks into the water and watching them splash

Jacks favorite: Canoeing and finding his own boats. Here is his collection, he finds his own toys regardless if we bring him some or not. He has a huge imagination and will make something and of anything every time. Love that about him!

We started a family tradition:
Every time we go camping in out tent, we ask the boys what their favorite part of the trip was. Then we draw a pictograph on the tent tarp. write the date and where we camped. I think it will be fun to have the whole side covered in all sorts of different pictures.

What did we learn? How to hunt for worm crawlers. I had no idea how many there were right at your feet. We took a flashlight at dark and shined it on the ground. You would see their watered bodies glimmering in the light then rushing back into their holes. Jack caught a few and kept them as pets over night, later setting them free.