Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Monday, August 9, 2010

This week end we were able to take a couple of days and do something as a family that we have never done before. We rented a canoe from a vendor in Orem, Utah and took it up to the Deer Creek Lake then to Tibble Fork in American for Canyon.
I...Michelle was the only one who had ever been canoeing before. I believe it was girls camp when I was about 13 years old. I didn't enjoy it then because it was cold and all the girls thought it was hilarious to dump the canoe as soon as you got out far enough. That was a huge fear this time as well. We had Avery and Jack obviously and right when we stepped in I got a reminder of just how fragile these boats are. moving your feet becomes like a mating dance. no one can bend over or move with out the counter of another person. So it made it quite tricky with the two small kids. We ended up having a very fun time.
So we rented the canoe then went on a rampage of finding a water kettle for heating up water for our hot chocolate in the morning as we forgot about that detail last camping trip we went on. We also forgot roasting sticks and the makings for smores last time and yes still failed this time as well. oh well the less sugar my kids intake these days the better. Read Dr. Mercola's blog about how dangerous sugar actually is for you if you want to actually find out why I hate my kids having so much sugar. You think it's harmless but really,....well just read it if your interested.
we then spent the day canoeing and sitting on the rocky beach of Deer Creek. It was quite windy and rained on us the first 30 min. so we had to sit it out in our car till the Huge Rain Drops quit falling. Then we were off. Later Granny and Papa L (Colby's dad and grandma) Met us for dinner. Colby really does not enjoy camping for too long so we make it short and sweet. We had dinner at Dairy Keen in the train station in Midway Utah and were able to attend their local city days and watch the parade as we sat and ate candy. I taught Jack how to pretty much guarantee that every person caring candy give some to him, every time. He and Avery loved it and filled up their pockets rather quickly. They ate their hot dog and chicken strips on the mini train they have outside. We then went and played at the park where jack added yet another 5 bloody scrapes to his knees ankles and shins, as he made friends with the local children more than half his age as they played freeze tag. The part he was most upset about was that I had him leave, and that he could no longer play with the kids that he said wanted to play with him. This is what I love about Jack. he make friends where ever he goes, timid sometimes at first but he never gives up and keeps on going. Something a feel did not come from Colby or I as we were both quite shy kids and never made a huge effort to grow our circle of friends. I always felt you really only needed one good friend but now I see it doesn't hurt to have a few around. Jack plays that well and is attracted to any kid. I hope that sticks with him. I try to nurture that even though it is not natural for me. Avery and Dad swung the hole time and had fun together. We later went back to our camp site and spent the night building a huge fire that Ave and Jack would smother as soon as Colby would turn around. so it was probably re built about 4 times. Frustrating Colby but hey can you ever get a kid to not play with the fire. Its tempting for us adults too. I always find my self picking up a stick and rummaging threw the fire, don't you?
Avery had a hard time falling asleep so I sage a few songs then he was out like a light. I have always sang the same three songs to my boys since they were born, I think they have become a staple when it comes to insomnia and physical wounds. Sunrise sunset from Nora Jones, Winter from Tory Amos and Hush little baby.
We woke the next morning and went to Tibble fork. It felt like we woke early as we were the only ones in the camp ground and found ourselves needing to whisper because of it. We packed up camp and headed to the lake at 10:45 realizing that we must have woke around 9am which is late in my book. we paddled around took turns and finally got Avery use to the idea of boating. he was excited to go on the last ride. Jack lead us through the wood and took us on a hike near the meadow up there.
The weekend was a success. They Boys love camping. I hope to make great memories with it just as my parents did for me.

Avery's favorite Part: He likes throwing rocks into the water and watching them splash

Jacks favorite: Canoeing and finding his own boats. Here is his collection, he finds his own toys regardless if we bring him some or not. He has a huge imagination and will make something and of anything every time. Love that about him!

We started a family tradition:
Every time we go camping in out tent, we ask the boys what their favorite part of the trip was. Then we draw a pictograph on the tent tarp. write the date and where we camped. I think it will be fun to have the whole side covered in all sorts of different pictures.

What did we learn? How to hunt for worm crawlers. I had no idea how many there were right at your feet. We took a flashlight at dark and shined it on the ground. You would see their watered bodies glimmering in the light then rushing back into their holes. Jack caught a few and kept them as pets over night, later setting them free.

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