Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Monday, August 9, 2010


How do you give enough attention to all of those that you care about?
Is a calendar needed an alarm telling you it's time to call so and so? Most of us know at least 250 people. Most of us only keep constant track of what, would you say 75 maybe 50 of those people. So how do you keep up with them.
We have visiting teaching, home teaching, family reunions, holiday parties, date nights and girls night or boys night out.
So I am making a challenge. We make a list of all those people that you know 250+ then out of those, underline 25 of them that you should contact at least every 6 mo. by phone in person what ever. Then circle the people that you would like to talk with every month then highlight every one you want to talk with every week. Some may have many other only a couple.
I think relation ships are very important.
Don't you like it when someone calls you or stops in to see you, just for the heck of it? I know I do but it rarely happens. Maybe if you do it to them, eventually they will return the favor.
I suggest when you do you test them to see how much they like themselves versus you!
Ask them questions. Take the focus off of you put the spot light on them. Give them the attention they deserve because after all they are they most important person in the World themselves. Make them feel that way. Don't make it a battle of wits or a story compare session " Oh ya when that happens to me I....." I hate it when others do that to me. The best words to say I think are "Yes, I know what you mean....continue please! instead of "Yes, I know what you mean....when that happened to me.....
If some one gives you free information it is because they want you to ask further. If you don't they will not feel like you actually care. So dig deeper and ask more questions but only to that which they want to give freely. If you feel to inquisitive then you probably are so lighten up a bit WARNING you can go overboard with the questions. Just Be Polite!
This is what I have observed and been shown. I'm attempting to put it into use give it a try and report it back, if you would like. I would like to see what you found out!

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