Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Monday, August 9, 2010

What do you have to offer?

How is it that we all seem to cling to a typical stereotype but when we actually try to live it, it never seems to turn out the way that we envisioned it.
Example: Raising kids, How do we decide that two is enough when our parents had more why do so many feel like they need to meet or top that number
Why do we all feel that we need to be in a home verses renting or owning the nice cars when we all know that a car is The worst investment that there is. We all like to have nice things sure. But when it comes down to it why do we compare our selves to others when we know deep down that it rally doesn't matter. As long as you are happy and content than that should be enough. I feel this for a few days mainly after hearing a story or and example in person or on TV. but soon I will fall back into the same old game again.
I believe we are here to experience every human experience there is to have that may take quite a few life times at the rate we are going. I seem to have the same lesson taught over and over again. When am I finally going to get one lesson through my head and make the right decision this time.
When am I going to quite asking myself if I made the right choice maybe I should change it. But will that really make it any better? Or will the same thing happen in a different situation?
For the most part I am happy the way things have turned out. I want more patients more understanding and less of an explosive temper would be nice. Why is it that such a little thing can get under your skin and the only way to get rid of it is to explode while only feeling remorse minutes if not seconds later.

What do you expect of of some one else? Than that is what you should expect out of your self nothing more nothing less.
When you teach your children the basics....are you following the basics or are you muffing that up too, are you expecting more out of them then you offer yourself?

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