Life at its Finest

Life at its Finest
Cast Away Cay - Bahamas

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Block Party

We pulled off a successful "Block Party" this week end, very last minute.
My husband and another neighbor bishop Bonham "Ryan" have been talking about it for months other neighbors have been hinting around to have me throw another one as I did a couple of years a go but haven't since. To be honest it was not on my priority list but I do enjoy them. So I finally just did it.
I tried to make it interactive=e and put most the responsibility on others.
We started with just mingling. Kids were able to play on the blowup water slide that the Bonham's provided and we set it up in across the street at Lisa Johnson's house. We then ate. The Bishop provided hamburgers hot dogs and buns for all. I had every one else bring a side and something else like plates, ice napkins etc.
The kids decorated their own bikes and we had a parade for the parents. Lisa and I had candy to pass out so they could throw it out.

We then had a fun treasure hunt with 7 different clues leading around the 6 houses surrounding my house. It ended in Lisa's house. I made chocolate cupcakes and decorated them with chocolate frosting Lisa Amy and her friend I'm spacing her name she is from Korea, all helped me decorate them. They sprinkled them with chocolate oreos for the "dirt" and then a chocolate gold coin. Their buried treasure. We made about 60 since there was 49 kids invited and we ended up only needing about 20 so needless to say we had loads left over.
Only about half the people came which is typical and actually good for the fact that they had 3 days notice.
So I am using the rest for a Boo-Hoo Party that Nichole Sutherland is throwing tomorrow morning. I just froze them. We'll see how they turn out. I thought their moms could give them to all the kids when they get home from school. As tomorrow is the first day of school for all but the kindergartners.
We ended the night with movie. I borrowed my brother in-laws Nick's projector and we shot it on Ryan and Jeremy's white screen.
We could have shot it on the house though. I made kettle corn for all who stayed ahead of time. most sat on blankets and a few on chairs. I lost my cellphone that night and found it today, 5 days later. It was on one of the chairs cup holders of my neighbors. We found it today when we went to the lake. Seriously how many times can I loose and find that thing. Oh well thank goodness.
So the movie was a little embarrassing to watch. It was Iron Giant. I got out several movies and that was what all the kids picked. But I had totally forgot that it had swear words in it. Nice kids show to sit down in front of with the bishop his kids and all the men in the bishopric. I was so antsy that I couldn't even watch it. I said to my self, if they don't like it then they'll tell me to turn it off or they will leave, right. Neither happened, so i guess it was OK. I apologized to their wives but no one ever heard anything front their husbands, so maybe it wasn't a big deal. I still felt bad, so SORRY. you just don't expect words like that in a kids cartoon. oh there was also a coffee drinking scene with the kid. I'm not against coffee but having a kid drink it on top of it all, I was like ahhhhh.

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